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Low-code development applied to business financing online services

The state-owned specialised financing company Finnvera selected Solita and Productivity Leap as its partners to a project to reform its online services. The reform is one of the first low-code projects in the Finnish public administration.

The global shortage of software developers and the need for cost-efficient solutions have accelerated the growth of low-code operations worldwide. “It’s great to see the Finnish public administration utilise the latest modern technologies and application development methods,” says Jasmo Hiltula, Head of Low-code at Solita.

The new service is aimed at all Finnvera clients, most of which are Finnish companies. Approximately 25,000 clients apply for Finnvera’s financing services annually.

“It’s very interesting to see the public sector deploy the latest technologies and reform its software development methods also in Finland. Low-code tools are an excellent fit for projects such as this, and we firmly believe that they could be utilised even more extensively by the Finnish public administration,” says Jasmo Hiltula, Head of Low-code at Solita.

Solita and Productivity Leap won the competitive tender organised as a public procurement, and the companies will collaborate in the low-code project. The project is launched in April 2022, and it is set to be completed during 2023.

“The public administration’s transition to multi-channel services will accelerate as a result of the Programme for the Promotion of Digitalisation. Low-code technologies enable considerably faster development of new services for the public than conventional methods. We are truly honoured by this opportunity to reform Finnvera’s online services and showcase the prospects of low-code development to other public administration operators,” comments Kari Natunen, CEO at Productivity Leap.

Numerous public sector low-code projects have already been implemented in the United States. Europe, too, is now starting to take note of the opportunities of low-code development as a method that cuts IT expenses comprehensively. Low-code development platforms enable software developers to enter productive work stages faster. In addition, the platforms provide junior developers with excellent early career opportunities.

Finnvera’s reform will be implemented with Outsystem’s low code application tools.


Solita Oy, Jasmo Hiltula, Head of Low-code,, tel. +358 50 499 9337

Productivity Leap Ltd, Kari Natunen, CEO,, tel. +358 40 836 9962

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